

Greetings Taccoformers! In the previous tutorial you learned how to create multiple resources with count and for_each. In Part III of the Taccoform Tutorial Series, we’ll focus on creating variables to keep our terraform code easy to work on and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).

Lesson 3

Today’s lesson will cover:

  • Creating variable definitions
  • Variable naming
  • How to organize variables
  • Using variables in resource definitions
  • Creating a load balancer
  • Using variables across multiple resource definitions
  • How to override a variables default value


  1. Navigate to the tutorial-3>app folder in the taccoform-tutorial repo that you forked in Part I of the Taccoform Tutorial Series. If you don’t see the folder, you may need to update your fork
  2. Copy your secrets.tf file from tutorial-2>app to tutorial-3>app

Variable creation

The Anatomy of a Variable
variable "env" {
  description = "short and unique environment name"
  default     = "prod"
Component Description
description an optional parameter, but I strongly suggest assigning one to every variable
default an optional parameter that assigns a default value to the variable if one isn’t provided
  • In the example above we’ve created a string variable, but you can also create variables which are booleans, integers, lists and maps.

list example

variable "private_networks" {
  description = "a list of default private networks"
  default     = ["","","]

integer example

variable "droplet_count" {
  description = "the amount of droplets to provision"
  default     = 2

boolean example

variable "droplet_monitoring" {
  description = "boolean controlling whether monitoring agent is installed"
  default     = true

map example

variable "droplet_names" {
  description = "map of droplet names"
  default = {
        "web0" = "web0-burrito-prod"
        "web1" = "web1-burrito-prod"

Variable Naming

Variable naming isn’t always easy, but there are a couple things that I’ve picked up on:

  • If there is a variable that you want to set to a paramater in a resource definition, be sure you align the variable name to the parameter.
    • eg.
resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {

  image  = var.droplet_image


Notice the droplet_ prefix, this helps when you have different resource definitions with similar parameter names.

  • You will also have variables that will be used by multiple resource definitions. Some of these variables will be consistent across all of your resources which require them. An example of this type of variable in DigitalOcean is region. It’s likely that you would want to build resources which work together and a common cloud provider constraint is that all complimentary resources must reside in the same geographic region. Each cloud provider has created their own shorthand for the geographic regions they’ve created to host your resources.
    • eg.
resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {

  image  = var.droplet_image
  region = var.region


resource "digitalocean_loadbalancer" "public" {

  region = var.region

  • Another type of variable that is used across multiple resource definitions will be specific to you and/or your company. These variables will help inforce standardized naming and provide uniquness to the resources that you have created. Common variables of this type are service (or app) and env (or environment)
    • eg.
resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {

  image  = var.droplet_image
  name   = "web-${var.service}-${var.env}"
  region = var.region


resource "digitalocean_loadbalancer" "public" {

  name   = "pub-lb-${var.service}-${var.env}"
  region = var.region

The quotes/$/curly brackets are necessary because some variable interpolation is happening prior to passing the value to the resource definition’s name parameter. droplet_image and region are passed to the resource definition “as-is”, so they don’t require the extra formatting. You might wonder why we don’t just set the interpolation ("lb-${var.service}-${var.env}") as the default when creating the variable, but terraform doesn’t allow you to do this in regular variables.

Variable Organization

  • Start this section by opening your fork of the taccoform-tutorial repo and browsing to the tutorial-3/app. Copy your secrets.tf from the previous tutorial’s folder. Open the droplet.tf file, uncomment the resource definition (and output) which uses count and comment out the resource definition (and output) that uses for_each. Your new droplet.tf file should look like this:


data "digitalocean_ssh_key" "root" { 
  name = "taccoform-tutorial"

resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {
  count = 2

  image     = "ubuntu-20-04-x64"
  name      = "web${count.index}-burrito-prod"
  region    = "sfo2"
  size      = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
  ssh_keys  = [data.digitalocean_ssh_key.root.id]
  user_data = templatefile("templates/user_data_nginx.yaml", { hostname = "web${count.index}-burrito-prod" })

output "droplet_public_ips" {
  value = digitalocean_droplet.web.*.ipv4_address

# resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {
#   for_each = {
#         "web0" = "web0-burrito-prod"
#         "web1" = "web1-burrito-prod"
#     }

#   image     = "ubuntu-20-04-x64"
#   name      = each.value
#   region    = "sfo2"
#   size      = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
#   ssh_keys  = [data.digitalocean_ssh_key.root.id]
#   user_data = templatefile("templates/user_data_nginx.yaml", { hostname = each.value })
# }

# output "droplet_public_ips" {
#   value       = { 
#     for droplet in digitalocean_droplet.web:
#     droplet.name => droplet.ipv4_address 
#   }
# }

Variable File Organization

  • You can put your variable definitions in any .tf and the usual “Hello World” Terraform tutorials will usually tell you to create two files. A main.tf file for all of your resource definitions and a variables.tf file for all of your variable definitions. Don’t do this. It’s not that you can’t fix it later, but the organization in advance will help you a ton with understanding the components of your terraform and there are several advantages that will come later when you are troubleshooting your terraform and/or when you start to create reusable terraform modules. I like to separate resources by their type (eg. droplets.tf) and accompanied by a variable file (eg. droplets_variables.tf).
  1. Create a new droplet_variables.tf file next to your droplet.tf file.
  2. Take a look at the web resource definition in your droplets.tf and take note of the parameters that area strings or integers
  • count
  • image
  • name
  • region
  • size
  • Let’s create variables for these parameters and place them in their logical variable file.
  1. count is a parameter that every resource has the ability to assign, but in this particular instance we’re concerned with the number of droplets to provision.
  • Create a new variable definition for droplet_count in droplet_variables.tf:
variable "droplet_count" {
  description = "the number of droplets to provision"
  default     = 2
  1. image is a parameter which is specific to the droplet creation, so the variable belongs with other droplet variables in droplet_variables.tf
  • Under the count variable definition, create a new variable definition for droplet_image in droplet_variables.tf:
variable "droplet_image" {
  description = "the base image/OS to use for provisioning the droplet"
  default     = "ubuntu-20-04-x64"

Notice how the default value was pulled directly from the value assigned to image in the droplet resource definition

  1. name is an interesting one because it’s using variable interpolaion because of the count paramater and because it represents multiple variables, some that can be used by other resource definitions.
  • web represents a node/droplet/vm type.
  • burrito represents a unique service and/or application name that can help group related resources.
  • prod represents a unique environment/stage name shared by adjacent resources.
 name      = "web${count.index}-burrito-prod"
               |                     |      \
               |                     |       \
               |                     |        |
               V                     V        V
            Node Type - #   -     Service - Environment
  1. Create a new droplet_node_type variable definition in the droplet_variables.tf file
variable "droplet_node_type" {
  description = "the node/droplet/vm type"
  default     = "web"
  1. For the next string burrito, which is the service and/or application name, you will need to create a variable file for variables that are common among all resources. Create a variables.tf file for these variables. You’re probably rolling your eyes right now because earlier I told you to not use variables.tf. Context is important here, in that previous scenario you’d be putting EVERY variable definition in one file. In this scenario, you’ll just be storing a few variables in the variables.tf file. This file name also isn’t set in stone, you could use any .tf name tha makes sense to you.


variable "service" {
  description = "a short/unique service and/or application name"
  default     = "web"
  1. The next string prod is similar to burrito (or service name) in that it would be used by multiple resources and that environment variable should live in variables.tf
  • Create an env variable definition:
variable "env" {
  description = "a short/unique environment name"
  default     = "prod"
  1. The next variable in the list after name is region, this is a variable that could potentially be used by multiple resources to tell DigitalOcean where to provision the infrastructure.
  • Create a region variable definition in variables.tf:
variable "region" {
  description = "a digital ocean provided geographic location"
  default     = "sfo2"
  1. And finally, the size parameter is specific to the droplet resource definition and “size” can be a common parameter name for cloud resources, so it’s especially important to prefix the variable name with droplet_ to clearly signify what this size maps to
variable "droplet_size" {
  description = "digital ocean provided droplet size"
  default     = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
  • After all is said and done, your droplet_variables.tf file should look like this:
variable "droplet_count" {
  description = "the number of droplets to provision"
  default     = 2

variable "droplet_image" {
  description = "the base image/OS to use for provisioning the droplet"
  default     = "ubuntu-20-04-x64"

variable "droplet_node_type" {
  description = "the node/droplet/vm type"
  default     = "web"

variable "droplet_size" {
  description = "digital ocean provided droplet size"
  default     = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
  • And your variables.tf file should look like this:
variable "service" {
  description = "a short/unique service and/or application name"
  default     = "burrito"

variable "env" {
  description = "a short/unique environment name"
  default     = "prod"

variable "region" {
  description = "a digital ocean provided geographic location"
  default     = "sfo2"

Using Variables in Resource Definitions

  • Now that you’ve defined variables, it’s time to plug them into a resource definition.
  1. Open the droplet.tf file and scroll down to the count parameter in the droplet resource definition
  2. Replace the count value of 2 to the droplet_count variable you previously created. To call a variable, you need to use .var as a prefix. In this case, it would be var.droplet_count and it would look like this:


resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {
  count = var.droplet_count
  1. Replace the image parameter value with the droplet_image variable you created
  • eg. image = var.droplet_image
  1. Moving on to the name paramter, it requires a little bit more syntax because it will be doing a bit of interpolation or manipulation of the string prior to sending the request to DigitalOcean.
  • Replace web with ${var.droplet_node_type}. the $ and curly brackets are required when performing variable interpolation. If you don’t put the $ and curl brackets around the variable, interpret that literally and you’ll end up with a droplet named var.droplet_node_type0-burrito-prod
  • Replace burrito with ${var.service}
  • Replace prod with ${var.env}
  • While you are at it, perform the previous three steps on the user_data parameter in the web droplet’s resource definition
  1. Replace the region parameter’s value to the region variable you defined earlier
  2. Replace the size parameter’s value to the droplet_size variable you created previously and save the droplet.tf file
  • Your web droplet’s resource definition should look like this now:


resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {
  count = var.droplet_count

  image     = var.droplet_image
  name      = "${var.droplet_node_type}${count.index}-${var.service}-${var.env}"
  region    = var.region
  size      = var.droplet_size
  ssh_keys  = [data.digitalocean_ssh_key.root.id]
  user_data = templatefile("templates/user_data_nginx.yaml", { hostname = "${var.droplet_node_type}${count.index}-${var.service}-${var.env}" })
  1. Run terraform init then terraform plan to verify that your substitutions have worked. If you get errors from either command, double-check your spelling on the variable definitions and where they are called in the resource definitions. Another thing to check is the syntax when calling variables, especially on the name parameter where it requires multiple sets of $ sign and curly brackets {}.
  • And now you’re saying to yourself, “Ok I’m exactly where I was before with the terraform provisioning, I don’t think it’s worth all that extra work." I don’t blame that line of thought. Where this becomes interesting is when you’re managing more resources and troubleshooting.

Adding a Load Balancer

  • At some point your application will become super popular and you’re on your way to becoming a millionaire, but first you need to make sure your application can scale. Adding a load balancer in front of your droplets will allow you to add more droplets as your traffic increases. In the default configuration, a load balancer will send traffic in a round-robin fashion to each of your droplets. If you configure round-robin with three droplets, the load balancer will send the first request to the first droplet, second request to the second droplet, third request to the third droplet, fourth request to the first droplet, fifth request to the second droplet, etc, etc.
  1. Create loadbalancer.tf and loadbalancer_variables.tf in tutorial-3>app
  • Your directory should look like this now:
├── droplet.tf
├── droplet_variables.tf
├── loadbalancer.tf
├── loadbalancer_variables.tf
├── provider.tf
├── secrets.tf
├── templates
│   └── user_data_nginx.yaml
└── variables.tf
  1. Open the loadbalancer.tf file, paste in the following, and save it:
resource "digitalocean_loadbalancer" "public" {
  name   = "loadbalancer-1"
  region = "nyc3"

  forwarding_rule {
    entry_port     = 80
    entry_protocol = "http"

    target_port     = 80
    target_protocol = "http"

  healthcheck {
    port     = 22
    protocol = "tcp"

  droplet_ids = [digitalocean_droplet.web.id]

This was pulled directly from the terraform documentations for DigitalOcean’s load balancer

  1. Now we’re gonna use some of the same variables we’ve used previously. Starting with name, lets try to keep naming consistent by changing the value to "pub-lb-${var.service}-${var.env}"
  • This will align the droplet name of web0-burrito-prod to pub-lb-burrito-prod
  1. Moving on to the region parameter, we already have a region variable defined, so we can just use it again here
  2. Things get a little different when you get to the forwarding_rule. If you created a variable definition with the full unique name, it would be something like loadbalancer_forwarding_rule_entry_port_http which is a bit excessive and there’s definitely a character limit. I usually shorten these variable names to lb_fr_entry_port_http. Create a variable for each of these forwarding rule parameters in loadbalancer_variables.tf.
  • Your loadbalancer_variables.tf file should look similar to this, with different descriptions:
variable "lb_fr_entry_port_http" {
    description = "the TCP port which outside users are allowed to connect to on the load balancer"
    default     = 80 

variable "lb_fr_entry_protocol_http" {
    description = "the protocol which outside users are allowed to connect to on the load balancer"
    default     = "http"

variable "lb_fr_target_port_http" {
    description = "after the initial connection to the load balancer, request will be forwarded to this TCP on a droplet"
    default     = 80

variable "lb_fr_target_protocol_http" {
    description = "after the initial connection to the load balancer, request will be forwarded as this protocol on a droplet"
    default     = "http" 

Note: Try to create descriptions that are more verbose to help you with understanding the shortened variable names

  1. Replace the forwarding rule parameters with the variables you’ve created for it:
  forwarding_rule {
    entry_port     = var.lb_fr_entry_port_http
    entry_protocol = var.lb_fr_entry_protocol_http

    target_port     = var.lb_fr_target_port_http
    target_protocol = var.lb_fr_target_protocol_http
  1. Now looking at the healthcheck parameters, there’s something that bugs me a bit. This is telling the load balancer to send web requests to droplets when the load balancer can connect to the droplet via SSH. With this logic, a droplet is deemed healthy when it can be reached by SSH. This is a problem in the event that the droplet is online, but the web service or application is not responding. Let’s fix this by using the previously defined forwarding rule target variables:
  healthcheck {
    port     = var.lb_fr_target_port_http
    protocol = var.lb_fr_target_protocol_http
  1. You will also need to add a new path parameter to the healthcheck parameters because it’s required when doing a http health check. Create a lb_hc_path variable in the loadbalancer_variables.tf file


  healthcheck {
    path     = var.lb_hc_path
    port     = var.lb_fr_target_port_http
    protocol = var.lb_fr_target_protocol_http


variable "lb_hc_path" {
  description = "the path to perform the http healtcheck on"
  default     = "/"

Note: the default value is the base path, eg http://www.taccoform.com, but it’s common to use a dedicated healthcheck path like http://www.taccoform.com/health

  1. Create an output for the load balancer public IP address so that you can easily retrieve it.
output "lb-pub-ip" {
  value = digitalocean_loadbalancer.public.ip
  1. Make sure all of your files are saved, then run terraform plan
  • Your terraform plan should show that it’s creating two droplets and a load balancer:
Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # digitalocean_droplet.web[0] will be created
  + resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {
      + backups              = false
      + created_at           = (known after apply)
      + disk                 = (known after apply)
      + id                   = (known after apply)
      + image                = "ubuntu-20-04-x64"
      + ipv4_address         = (known after apply)
      + ipv4_address_private = (known after apply)
      + ipv6                 = false
      + ipv6_address         = (known after apply)
      + ipv6_address_private = (known after apply)
      + locked               = (known after apply)
      + memory               = (known after apply)
      + monitoring           = false
      + name                 = "web0-burrito-prod"
      + price_hourly         = (known after apply)
      + price_monthly        = (known after apply)
      + private_networking   = (known after apply)
      + region               = "sfo2"
      + resize_disk          = true
      + size                 = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
      + ssh_keys             = [
          + "28662501",
      + status               = (known after apply)
      + urn                  = (known after apply)
      + user_data            = "1234567890"
      + vcpus                = (known after apply)
      + volume_ids           = (known after apply)
      + vpc_uuid             = (known after apply)

  # digitalocean_droplet.web[1] will be created
  + resource "digitalocean_droplet" "web" {
      + backups              = false
      + created_at           = (known after apply)
      + disk                 = (known after apply)
      + id                   = (known after apply)
      + image                = "ubuntu-20-04-x64"
      + ipv4_address         = (known after apply)
      + ipv4_address_private = (known after apply)
      + ipv6                 = false
      + ipv6_address         = (known after apply)
      + ipv6_address_private = (known after apply)
      + locked               = (known after apply)
      + memory               = (known after apply)
      + monitoring           = false
      + name                 = "web1-burrito-prod"
      + price_hourly         = (known after apply)
      + price_monthly        = (known after apply)
      + private_networking   = (known after apply)
      + region               = "sfo2"
      + resize_disk          = true
      + size                 = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
      + ssh_keys             = [
          + "28662501",
      + status               = (known after apply)
      + urn                  = (known after apply)
      + user_data            = "1234567890"
      + vcpus                = (known after apply)
      + volume_ids           = (known after apply)
      + vpc_uuid             = (known after apply)

  # digitalocean_loadbalancer.public will be created
  + resource "digitalocean_loadbalancer" "public" {
      + algorithm                = "round_robin"
      + droplet_ids              = (known after apply)
      + enable_backend_keepalive = false
      + enable_proxy_protocol    = false
      + id                       = (known after apply)
      + ip                       = (known after apply)
      + name                     = "pub-lb-burrito-prod"
      + redirect_http_to_https   = false
      + region                   = "sfo2"
      + status                   = (known after apply)
      + urn                      = (known after apply)
      + vpc_uuid                 = (known after apply)

      + forwarding_rule {
          + entry_port      = 80
          + entry_protocol  = "http"
          + target_port     = 80
          + target_protocol = "http"
          + tls_passthrough = false

      + healthcheck {
          + check_interval_seconds   = 10
          + healthy_threshold        = 5
          + path                     = "/"
          + port                     = 80
          + protocol                 = "http"
          + response_timeout_seconds = 5
          + unhealthy_threshold      = 3

      + sticky_sessions {
          + cookie_name        = (known after apply)
          + cookie_ttl_seconds = (known after apply)
          + type               = (known after apply)

Plan: 3 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Changes to Outputs:
  + droplet_public_ips = [
      + (known after apply),
      + (known after apply),
  1. Run terraform apply and confirm to provision the droplets and load balancer
Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


droplet_public_ips = [
lb-pub-ip = ""
  1. Wait a minute for the droplets to finish provisioning, then browse to the load balancer’s IP address provided by lb-pub-ip. You should see web0-burrito-prod IS ALIVE!!! or web1-burrito-prod IS ALIVE!!! and if you furiously refresh, you should see the output changing back and forth between the two droplets.

Overriding variables

  • Now that you’ve variable-ized all the things, you can do some fun stuff like:
  1. Increase number of droplets without changing the .tf files: terraform plan -var 'droplet_count=5'
  2. Remove all the droplets without destroying the load balancer: terraform plan -var 'droplet_count=0'
  • This is great for iterating over changes to the user data provisioning script
  1. Change the environment: terraform plan -var 'env=stg'
  2. You can also override multiple variables by creating a .tfvars


droplet_count = 1
service       = "tacos"

Now run terraform plan -var-file="custom.tfvars" and review how it changes the infrastructure.

  1. For fun, run terraform apply -var 'droplet_node_type=carneasada'
  • After a few minutes, browse to the lb-pub-ip and you should see how the page has changed. Refreshing the page multiple times shows how the traffic is being distributed to each droplet.
  1. As always, run terraform destroy to delete all of the resources you’ve created in this lesson to stop being charged for them

In Review


  • You’ve learned how to create variables and the different types of variables you can define
  • You learned how to use variables in resource definitions
  • You reused variables (eg. env, service, region)
  • You created a load balanced application
  • You learned how to override default variable values


  • Variables can be difficult to name and they eat up a bunch of your time, but it’s a worthy investment in the long run. What you have now is reuseable code which can be copied to other terraform workspaces. You are also a few short steps away from creating a terraform module.

Check out the next entry in the Taccoform Tutorial Series which will go over Terraform statefiles and how to use them.

As always, feel free to reach out on twitter via @taccoform for questions and/or feedback on this post